Posted on: January 20, 2023 Posted by: Rose Ruck Comments: 0


Learning to drive can be thrilling, but it comes with numerous responsibilities toward your safety and that of other road users. Enrolling in driving school may help you learn how to be a safe driver and build your confidence behind the wheel. During your driving lessons, instructors impart key skills that will be useful for everyday driving. Here are five things you should memorize during driver’s ed:

1. Correct Lane Use

Proper lane use is among the inaugural lessons you learn during driver’s ed, but that skill applies in daily driving. Instructors train you to follow lanes and correctly change lanes when necessary. Correct lane use may help prevent confusing other motorists.

While freeways have multiple lanes, you should stick to the correct lane depending on your driving speed. The farthest lane to the left is for faster traffic, so if you are driving slower, you should keep to the right to avoid causing delays. Proper lane use may help you avoid unnecessary frustration or road rage with other drivers.

Lane use also applies to roundabouts, so you should consider the lanes you will use to exit before entering. Sticking to your lane at roundabouts will help you avoid confusion and allow you to navigate turns safely.

2. Sticking To Speed Limits

Speeding may feel exhilarating, but going over the speed limit can land you in trouble. Tickets can be expensive and affect your driving record, which may eventually cause your license to be revoked. Observing speed limits will avoid confrontation with authorities and help you maintain vehicle control while driving.

Although speeding is often discouraged, driving too slowly on highways can be equally dangerous. You may impede other motorists and cause traffic. If you are uncomfortable maintaining the speed limit, move to the access road to avoid crashes.

3. Mirror Use and Managing Blind Spots

Side mirrors help you check for vehicles or other road users when pulling out of parking or when changing lanes. While checking mirrors is usually included in one of the earliest driver’s ed lessons, you must understand how to manage blind spots. Blind spots are regions you cannot see on your side mirrors, so you should check them by turning your head before changing lanes. Checking blind spots may help to avoid collisions with other road users like bikers or pedestrians.

4. Handling Emergency Situations

Emergencies like hydroplaning or having a blown-out tire can be unsettling, but your actions may help determine the outcome. Panicking will only lead to errors and ultimately cause accidents. You must remain calm in such situations and handle your car correctly to stop safely. Drivers ed will teach you what to do in such situations so you can be prepared for emergencies.

5. Proper Communication With Other Road Users

Communicating with other road users allows everyone to plot their next move correctly. This involves using turn signals or indicators to show the direction you plan on taking. Turn the indicators on at a safe distance to give other drivers the heads-up to slow down and avoid a collision. Using your hazard lights informs other drivers of mechanical issues with your car, so they can act accordingly on the road.

Hand signals are also important when communicating with other road users like pedestrians and motorists. You can also use hand signals to indicate to pedestrians that they can safely cross the road.

Attend Driving Lessons to Memorize Key Skills

Learning to drive safely is a combination of practical skills and proper classroom knowledge about traffic and road laws. Attending driving lessons may help you learn key skills and improve your confidence behind the wheel. Enroll in a reputable driving school to learn and memorize important driving skills.


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