Conception Recommendations Your Fertility Doctor May Provide

Fertility Doctor

If you have trouble conceiving, trying new ways of increasing your chances of a successful pregnancy can be challenging. Your doctor may recommend that you use specific fertility treatments, diet changes, and exercise to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Some women face the dilemma of deciding when to have a child and how to get pregnant. Here are some of the conception recommendations your fertility doctor may provide:

Testing Your Cervical Mucus

The doctor may suggest that you monitor your cervical mucus. If you notice that your cervical mucus is watery, your body signals that it is not the best time to conceive. Check your cervical mucus every morning.

Read Also: Reasons Why Many Women May Not Know They have Endometriosis

Providing a Health History Interview

Your doctor may ask you about any previous medical problems you have. This will determine whether you have a health problem that could affect your fertility. Any infections, sexually transmitted diseases, frequency of birth control, and age can have an impact. This information will help to determine the best treatment for you.

Performing Blood Tests

One of the first steps in determining if you have fertility issues is to run a few blood tests. You can perform many different tests, helping your doctor uncover different things. These may include:

  • Blood type or Rh factor
  • Hormone levels and ovarian reserve test
  • Kidney and liver function test

Your doctor may suggest you run these tests to discover what is going on in your body.

Administering Ultrasounds

If you have been trying to get pregnant for months and your doctor cannot pinpoint the problem, they may recommend that you have a sonogram performed. This is a test in which they use ultrasound to determine the internal anatomy of the female reproductive system. The physical characteristics of a woman’s cervix, ovaries, and uterus are assessed, including their shape and size. The doctor can check for signs of abnormalities that may restrict or block the flow of sperm. At this point, it will determine whether the problem is one of infertility.

Enacting Diet Changes

A doctor can point out several key areas that may impede your fertility. They may suggest that you try a diet change and give you specific tips as to when to make these changes:

  • Reduce your caffeine intake.
  • Consider eating more fruits and vegetables. These foods contain Vitamin C, which helps with blood flow in your body and increases energy.
  • Make sure your diet is well-balanced. Eat meat and fish, but refrain from eating red meat more than twice a week.

Getting More Sleep

Getting the proper sleep can be one of the hardest things to do. Sometimes you may have trouble falling asleep, while other days, you may wake up feeling unrested. Your body could be trying to tell you that it is not getting enough sleep. This can impact your emotions, behavior, and even your physical health. Your doctor can suggest that you get more sleep.

Making a Conception Plan

It would help if you had a plan in place before you start trying to conceive. This will help you to be more prepared for the experience. You can make a program to help you meet your goal of conception. Here’s some advice to help you understand the process:

When is the Right Time to Have a Baby?

Different couples have different opinions on the right time to become pregnant. Some doctors will ask you to wait until your body is ready, while others may suggest that you begin trying as soon as possible. Your doctor will help you sort through your options and decide what will work best for you and your spouse.


Your responsibilities will change when you become pregnant. You will be responsible for everything from the day your baby is born to the changing seasons. Having a child may require you to learn new skills and look at your life differently. This factor should get considered when deciding to have a child or not.

Visit a Fertility Doctor Today

Recommendations from a fertility doctor can help you and your partner understand your choices and options. It will help you start on the right path to conceive a child and maintain the health of the woman and child. Work with a fertility specialist to make sure you are prepared for conception.

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